Self-defense – response actions or a set of counteractions aimed at protecting oneself and (or) others and (or) one’s property from the actions of another person, in the event of a threat. Types of self-defense
Individual self-defense
Self-defense aimed at protecting one’s life and health from the encroachment of third parties.

Self-defense for yourself and others

  • Self-defense aimed at protecting one’s life and health, as well as the life and health of others from the encroachment of third parties.
  • Self defense property. Self-defense aimed at protecting one’s life, health and property from the encroachment of third parties.
  • Self defense and crime. Self-defense is not considered a crime if there are the following signs:
  1. infliction of harm to health, creating a real threat to the life of the defender;
  2. a real threat to life, the use of weapons or objects used as weapons;
  3. imminent threat of life-threatening violence.

Self defense with weapons

In many countries, self-defense with weapons is not justified. And the punishment is much more severe than without weapons.

Unarmed. In this case, the greatest chance that the victim will be acquitted. A person goes to the section, engages in hand-to-hand combat, studies wrestling techniques, etc. The downside is that not every person has excellent physical data to protect themselves in this way.
With the use of edged weapons or items used as weapons:

  1. Knife – a weapon of little use for self-defense due to the low stopping power, at the same time, a fairly high chance of mortality in case of damage to vital organs and serious bleeding when wounded in the body. It is also rare when a single wound is inflicted, and as a rule, multiple wounds are inflicted on the victim / perpetrator, and often ends in death. The use of a knife as a weapon of self-defense in most countries is considered a crime – assault and attempted murder, which significantly worsens the chances of a self-defender with a knife for a favorable outcome.
  2. Club, bat, stick and other impact weapons are the best weapons for self-defense. It has a fairly high stopping effect with a low lethal (cause death). Good clubbing can stun the target and stop or stop an attack almost immediately. Strong impacts can cause fractures. In most cases, the use of a club as a weapon of self-defense is justified by the law and has a high chance of a favorable outcome. The exception is clubs, which are in service with the police or special forces.
  3. Gas weapons (gas and pepper sprays, sprays, atomizers, etc.) are usually specialized means of self-defense. They do not require physical strength when used, which is why they are good, for example, they are suitable for self-defense by women. Of the shortcomings – the unpredictability of use. The attacker may have almost no reaction, or may be seriously injured or die (for example, if there is an allergy to the components of the gas, spray, anaphylactic shock). It also depends on many factors – the range of application, the dose of the substance, weather conditions, etc. In the case of the use of gas weapons as a weapon of self-defense, it is justified, and as a rule, the victim is justified in most countries, because. such weapons are specifically fixed for civil protection of life and health at the legislative level.

With firearms:

  1. Self-defense with firearms is prohibited in many countries, where the possession, carrying and use of firearms by citizens is not allowed at the legislative level.
  2. Pistol – popular because of its low price, compactness and multi-shot. Modern pistols have magazines of 15-20 rounds or more, which is quite enough to repel the attack of several people. A pistol bullet has a significant stopping effect if the caliber of the bullet is 9 mm and the energy is above 250 J. For caliber 7.62 – 350 J, for caliber 5.6 – about 500 J. However, like a knife, a fatal outcome is possible if vital organs are damaged, moreover, gunshot injuries have significant complications in the future during treatment. Gunshot fractures are also possible.
  3. Smoothbore weapons (shotguns, shotguns, etc.) are a very effective means of self-defense, but also very lethal.

It is used mainly in extreme cases, for example, when protecting a house from an attack. Lethality when fired at close range reaches 95%, tk. has a large caliber (18.5 mm) and a huge muzzle energy (3500-4000 J). Sometimes it is loaded not with a bullet, buckshot or shot, but with rubber or other non-lethal ammunition.
Assault rifles and rifles have high muzzle energy (1500-4000 J) and bullet speed, so hitting a bullet from them causes a strong stopping and lethal effect. Machine guns are capable of automatic fire.